Rabu, 13 Januari 2016

Pencak Silat

Pencak Silat - After discussing the article on 50 benefits of Sport for the human body, this time I will also provide useful information, this time Article discusses pencak silat that would have been very much in search of sports users worldwide.

Pencak Silat
Pencak Silat


Pencak Silat is a traditional martial arts Indonesia Malay cultural roots, and can be found almost all over Indonesia. The distinctive characteristics of each region has its own motion. Techniques in pencak silat is very diverse. Sometimes, the flow or college different from each other. In General, the techniques of pencak silat among others, punches, kicks, locks, block, and Dodge. Each technique is still broken up again, for example, is divided into the punch punch punch Palm, back of hands, claws, plugs, and others.
In addition, in the pencak silat also taught traditional weapons like sword game, machete, spear, stick, celurit, knives, Trident, karambit (a type of knife), keris, and others. There are four aspects in pencak silat that cannot be separated from each other, namely:
1. The Spiritual Mental
2. Art and culture
3. Martial Arts
4. Sports

Currently, the pencak silat was contested at the national level and international level. Pencak silat exercises uniform varies greatly, according to the College. The standard uniform is black, with the coat of arms of IPSI (Organization of pencak silat Indonesia) in the chest.

Ranking in pencak silat is often marked with the color of the belt. However, some colleges differ in colour and adherence. Perpetrators of pencak silat known as pesilat. Pesilat skilled swordsman sometimes referred to as silat.

A national organization consisting of pencak silat in Indonesia is IPSI (bond of Pencak Silat Indonesia). IPSI was cast in terms of standardising assembles and rules of game pencak silat in Indonesia.

Pencak silat is already recognized to belong to the world, as evidenced by the large number of College pencak silat inside and outside the country. International pencak silat organization is an Alliance of national Pencak Silat, or abbreviated with Persilat.

Interesting Facts:
"Almost all of the College knows the pencak silat exercises the power of non-physical energy that is called in. Pesilat in control effort in science have incredible power, such as resistance to sharp weapons, Gash can strike from a distance, treat diseases, and others ".


When is pencak silat begun created, is not yet known with certainty. However, if we look at one of the reliefs at Borobudur Temple, we can guess that it may have already existed at the time of kingdoms in Indonesia. The relief is described the armed fight. Very likely the martial arts had started to be known at the time. Some experts argue that the roots of pencak silat originated from the Malay, Javanese and then spread to other regions in Indonesia. However, there are also of the opinion that in Java, West Java, in particular, has appeared before the influence of Malay silat arts come. The spread of pencak silat Melayu are expected to occur since the days of the Kingdom of Srivijaya, Kingdom of the first national in Indonesia.

The term itself is actually a Pencak silat is not yet known since the first. There are many terms for martial arts in every province as pencak, mancak, akmencak, silat, silek, maempok, mpaa sila and others. The term pencak silat was used since the new IPSI stands on May 18, 1948 in Surakarta, Central Java. Thus, the official name became the pencak silat martial art of Indonesia.

In the process, pencak silat martial much influenced by foreigners, such as the Chinese wushu or karate Japan. This is made increasingly rich pencak silat techniques. The flow of pencak silat is very much. Almost every region has its own flow. Some of the famous i.e. flow flow (West Java), Cimande, Cikalong (West Java), Sahbandar (West Java), Kwitang Tuo (Minangkabau), Cingkring (Betawi), Kwitang (Betawi) Kurung Cekak, Silat (Malaysia), and the Bawean (East Java).

As the flow, the number of College pencak silat is also very much. They seem most obvious differences in the uniform worn. However, when it competed in the official Championship (according the rules of the IPSI) pesilat wearing standard black.

In Indonesia, the College-College of pencak silat to be found easily in various areas, including extra-curricular activities in schools or activities of Student Affairs in higher education. Some of the colleges even have branches abroad.


Official game pencak silat is governed by IPSI. Categories were played, among others, Tanding, single, Doubles, and team events. Category single, Doubles, and team events are a demonstration of the kick movement already set up or standardized earlier. Kick-kick the stand up style empty hand and weapons. The standard weapons used include machete or machete and a baton. Participants are obliged to wear a uniform standard of pencak silat, wear plain colored logo on the left chest IPSI, wearing headbands, and the fabric aside.

Matches in the field covering an area of 10 x 10 metres with a maximum of 5 cm thick mattress. Surface of mattress must be flat, not bouncing, and can be closed by a plinth not slippery basic colored bright green. Kick-kick time the demonstration was 3 minutes, while his judgment is based on truth and not motion or kick.

The category of Sparring is non combat pencak silat with special rules. The match took place in the field covering an area of 9 x 9 meters, with a maximum of 5 cm thick mattress. Its surface is flat, not bouncing, and closed with a pedestal that is not slippery.

Parts of the body can be attacked is the chest, abdomen, back, and lumbar. The neck up and forbidden to pubic attacked. The feet may be used as attack target drop and lock, but does not produce a value as the intended target.

Hand attacks that enter unhindered block gets the value 1, the attack of the foot is worth 2, and attacks the opponent gets the value which dropped 3.

The game was held 3 rounds, each round consisting of 2 minutes. In between round one another there is a 1-minute rest period. The time when the referee stopped the match and time calculations against a player who fell due to a legitimate attack does not include time to compete.

That's the information about pencak silat certainly useful for adding your insight towards Sports. Hopefully the article about pencak silat help you in dealing with the problem of Sports. Thanks for visit http://sportsfusata.blogspot.com/

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Selasa, 12 Januari 2016

50 benefits of Sport for the human body

50 benefits of Sport for the human bodyAfter discussing the article on getting up on two skis , this time I will also provide useful information, this time Article discusses 50 benefits of Sport for the human body that would have been very much in search of sports users worldwide.

The benefits of Sport
The benefits of Sport

50 benefits of Sport for the human body

Benefits of exercise during these already known by the general public, but only very little known by the public benefit so many people that choose not to do the sport. The community was fond of sports is a society that already know the importance of sport in life, unfortunately a busy community work often overlook the importance of sport. Every day, we are encouraged to be doing gentle exercise about 30 minutes. Public awareness for doing sports is still very minimal so that only a few of the community who love to do sports.
People who have never done sports would be very vulnerable to illness, other than that people are often immune doing sports is formed perfectly so it could protect itself from various diseases. To do at the moment is aware of the importance of the community started doing sports and began doing sports at this time as well.
The public only knows one or two benefits from doing sport. The society also often associate the sport with diet or lose weight, so people who have doubts if the ideal weight should do the sport. Though the exercise benefit is not only limited to that alone. Sports is very important as long as the create health how to do it right and there is wrong. If it is wrong technique in performing the sport as a result is the body will feel sore and will not get the benefit of the sport. It takes a strong determined to do sports on an ongoing basis. The following range of benefits that sport should be known by the public in order to raise awareness to do sports:

1. Create a mood of being glad
One of the benefits of sport should know is sports done could make someone be happy mood, the reason is with the sport all kinds of minds the burden weighing down your mind is gone. You will be busy with your sporting activities so that the burden of that thought lost and makes your mood become happy.

2. Relieve the working Heart
Regular exercise can make the performance of the heart be light because with exercise can help the heart in pumping blood or blood flow throughout the body.

3. Launch the blood flow
Sports can make blood flow in the body to be smooth. The reason is with exercise, muscles become supple especially muscle that is in the blood vessels. Elastic muscles can make the blood vessels become wide so that blood flow can be flowed seamlessly into the rest of the body.

4. increase the growth of bones and teeth
For adolescents who are in a growth period, sports such as swimming and a variety of other sports can enhance the growth of bones and teeth. Moreover, if the growth is supported by a wide variety of nutritious foods and milk calcium is high. Older children can maximize the growth of bones and teeth. No wonder if older children who likes the sport will get a healthy tooth and also the body is high because of the growth of his bones. Not like a lazy teenager sport, bones cannot grow to its full potential so that the body will be more obese while the bones are not growing up.

5. Maintain bone density
Regular sports supported by consuming high-calcium milk can maintain bone density, especially the spine. Gentle exercise such as jogging each morning can make bones increasingly solid and sturdy. It means that if the bones healthy, solid and sturdy a hobby people also do sports could be spared from various diseases of bone. A dangerous bone disease is a disease of osteoporosis.

6. Prevent the occurrence of Obesity
Obesity can be prevented by doing sports regularly. The cause is when you exercise, fat and cholesterol levels in your body will be burned when the sport so that your body will remain lean and avoid overweight or obese.

7. Increase the Passion Sex
Exercise can also increase the passion of sex, need not be a tool of sexual stimulant or a special herb. Enough with the sport, passion sex who had decreased or absent now reappear. The cause is with the sports you can increase testosterone in the body, the hormones it is hormones that affect sexual desire and libido.

8. Keep body balance
Body balance can be maintained by way of sports on a regular basis. The body that is not balanced will cause disturbances of metabolism, metabolic balance will make someone easily is exposed to a variety of chronic diseases.

9. Make Sleep Quality
If you often awake at night or every awake during your night's sleep, it could be you are having sleep that are not qualified. Sleep quality can not cause a variety of health disorders for example, high blood pressure and heart as well. People who experience sleep quality could not look for the cause. One of the causes of sleep that people experience not quality was the stress overload and unbalanced hormones. With exercise, stress can be resolved and could be balanced on the body especially hormones in the human body. If stress can be resolved and hormonal balance awake then asleep any quality can be obtained. Have the same quality of sleep you are getting your health.

10. Prevent insomnia
When you trouble sleeping, try to exercise. Insomnia can be overcome by means of sports on a regular basis.

11. Maintain Muscle Flexibility
The muscles of the body that are not used for the sport could be stiff and often exposed to diseases of the muscle. With sports muscle will become pliable. When muscles become supple or versatile variety of muscle diseases for example, muscle pain, cramps and many others could be addressed.

12. Improve the performance of your muscles and Muscle Endurance
Not only the flexibility of muscles that can be obtained by means of sports, muscle performance and durability of any muscle can be obtained. If the muscles are strong and muscular endurance is good, the muscles will be easily invited to cooperate when used for heavy work mainly rely on the performance of the work of the muscles. Work such as coolies, porters pelvic rock and also a farmer.

13. Help balance Hormones
Hormonal disorders could be caused by hormonal imbalances in the body. You should not underestimate the hormone problem, it is because the hormone balance in women could cause women experience bleeding between menstrual periods. Even the imbalance of hormones in the human body are mainly women could lead to the women affected by cancer.

14. Avoid heart disease
Sport can be used to alleviate cardiovascular performance, if performance is the heart of the more light a wide range of heart diseases and heart disorders can resolved or avoided.

15. Improve the immune system
Sport can be used to boost the immune system in the human body. When you exercise, antibody substances in your body will increase. This antibody substances form the immune system in the human body. If a substance is of course increased antibody immune system in the body will be increased. This is a beneficial immune system to ward off various diseases in the body. When humans are exposed to colds, coughs and also by itself the immune system that can cure the disease within the human body without drugs. The human immune system with the ugly, runny nose and cough who attacked him could not be treated casually or not to get rid of it, so the person will be stricken with colds and coughs in a shorter period of time.

16. creating Confidence on the rise
Sports also have an effect on a person's mental, exercise can improve the mental health of humans. When human mental good the man, confidence will increase.

17. Ageless Make
People whose hobby sports will look youthful compared to people who don't like sports. The reason is with sports make the body muscles become supple and not especially stiff muscles that are on the face. The muscles supple and not too rigid can stave off wrinkles of the face. Not only that, people are often issued when sports sweat could also make it youthful. Sports can unleash a flow of blood so the blood flow smoothly in a person's body can make cell regeneration for the better.

18. the Exalted Body
Special teen, sports regularly can improve posture and make the body become high.

19. Body posture can be corrected
Young children who had body slouch, his posture can be corrected by means of the sport. Most of the young people currently suffer from hunchback because she was in the wrong position and also the position of the seats. The stooped posture certainly makes sense not confident to emerge. Not to worry, exercise in the gym can be used to improve posture.

20. Preventing Diabetes
Sport can be used to keep the quality of insulin remain good, if the quality is not good insulinnya sport can create levels of insulin in the body into good and quality. With the quality of insulin in the body can make you escape from diabetes. Not only that, a sport that routinely done to prevent someone affected by obesity. People who do not have obesity will be spared from the disease diabetes causes the sugar in the blood can be maximally tersera unhindered by binding fats in blood sugar.

21. Eliminate Injuries
If you have injuries, you can do sports to eliminate injuries on yourself.

22. Help Good cell growth in the body
The cells in the body will die if not kept its growth. Things that can hinder the growth of cells in the body is the food factor and also the free radicals. To keep the growth of cells in the body, you have to do sports regularly so that the effects of free radicals can be resolved.

23. Increasing the strength of the joints
Sports can also be used to strengthen the joints. For example when you're jogging, you will use a lot of muscle strength of joints of the foot and also on the ankles. The joints are often used to practice be maintained its strength.

24. Improve memory Brain
A smooth flow of blood to the brain due to sport can be used to improve memory brain. Although it is old but love to do sports, the person will be spared from senile memory because her brain remains awake well through sports.

25. Healthy lungs
In addition to nourish the heart, sports could be used to nourish the lung. The reason is when you exercise you will practice to train respiratory. Breathing you do will involve the lungs as the main organ of the respiratory tract. The more you enjoy exercising, the more you practice to train respiratory. That's because your lungs will be healthy.

26. To counteract the bad effects of free radicals
Free radicals are all around us. Free radicals are highly detrimental impact to the body. Free radicals that is around us can be prevented by means of sport. Sports can improve both cells in the body, when free radicals will attack the body. The good cells by itself would prevent free radicals.

27. Improving the flow of Oxygen throughout the body
Not only is the flow of blood that can be waged by means of sport. But the flow of oxygen can passes smoothly to the rest of the body. The oxygen will be channeled through the blood vessels. The width of blood vessels and muscles elastic blood vessels could ease the flow of oxygen throughout the body. Just as important as the blood in the body, oxygen is also very important to maintain the health of the body.

28. Relieve Pain When Arthritis
If you are affected by arthritis, you can do the sport. The sport is performed can be used to relieve arthritis that you are suffering.

29. Improve concentration
The flow of blood and oxygen flow smoothly to the brain could make your concentration is increased. People who are not easy concentration are the ones that lack of oxygen and a shortage of blood in his body especially in the parts of the brain.

30. Launch the digestive system
Sports can also be used to launch the digestive system. While doing sports, the sports movement that involves a lot of abdominal muscles. The abdominal muscles will be associated with the digestive system in human body so that people who do sports pastime will have a healthy digestion and also smooth.

31. Reduce the risk of colon cancer
Because sport can be used to launch and nourish the digestive system, the advantage you get is you will be spared from diseases of colon cancer. Most colon cancer suffered by cancer patients is not smoothly not his digestive system especially in the colon. So the colon contains many toxin or toxins that could cause someone affected by colon cancer.

32. Relieve the levels of uric acid in the body
Uric acid is the same dangerous with cholesterol. With the sport on a regular basis, the levels of uric acid in the body can normally.

33. Reduce the risk of breast cancer
Regular exercise can be used to balance the hormones in the body, particularly the female body. Hormonal disorders if not promptly treated can cause a person affected by breast cancer. To prevent breast cancer, you can do the sport. The reason is with the sport will be balanced hormones, if balanced hormones affected breast cancer risk may be reduced.

34. Not easily Tired
Sport can also make you tired won't be easy, because the flow of oxygen throughout the body can be maintained.

35. Make the body More Energized
The sport is done can make a great stamina and also make the body more energized. The reason is the muscles of the body have been trained and well developed so that the muscles can be used to work efficiently.

36. Relieve symptoms of Nausea while pregnant Young
Gentle exercise such as walks in the morning while sipping the morning air was believed to be used to alleviate morning sickness in the form of nausea and vomiting in the morning.

37. make the Mood more stable
Do sports regularly can make a person's mood is more stable compared with the previous one.

38. Alternative to quitting smoking
Sports can also be used to stop the smoking habit. When you want to smoke, do sports so that the inside of your body will send a suggestion not to touch a cigarette.

39. Avoid bouts of uterine cancer
Uterine cancer can also be caused by lack of hormonal balance. To balance the hormones could be by way of sports. Sports undertaken could be useful for balancing hormones, if the hormone is already balanced the risks of getting cancer of the uterus can be minimised. Research proves the sport on a regular basis can be used to avoid uterine cancer by as much as 18 percent.

40. Relieve Stress
Sport can be used to relieve the stress experienced by a person. When people experience stress, the muscles in his head will stiffen. Sport can be used to Flex that muscle. Muscle elastic head can be used to relieve the stress experienced by the person.

41. Preventing Recurrence of asthma
The fact remains that the breath of morning air while walking leisurely for 30 minutes to prevent recurrence of asthma. If your asthma is often relapse, you can train your breathing with a breath of morning air while walking leisurely for 30 minutes. Nor did asthma will often relapse override you. The reason is the clean air that has not been polluted with air pollution will clear your respiratory tract. Not only that, by practicing breathing each morning can make your respiratory tract spreads out. Asthma caused by narrowing of the respiratory tract.

42. Avoid Of Gallstone Disease
Research points to the fact that exercise on a regular basis can be used to prevent a person affected by gallstones.

43. Relieves back pain
The backs are sore or back pain can be caused by stiff muscles in the back. By performing the exercise, the muscles in his back became pliable and back pain can be resolved or appeased.

44. Increase productivity
People who love to work out, he will have a healthy body, healthy soul and also a healthy brain. Armed with it all, a lot of people could increase its productivity especially when she works. If productivity increases can be sure he'll have a lot of great opportunities in life and can be used to improve the work achievement during this ideal by many people.

45. Strengthen the Ligaments
Sport can be used to strengthen the ligaments ligaments especially related to muscles, bones and joints.

46. creating Stronger Mental
Sports can be healthy mentally, mentally healthy can be used to form a strong mental.

47. Reducing Triglyceride Levels in the blood
Triglycerides in the blood can be normalized and simply applied may be reduced with exercise on a regular basis.

48. fix Diet that is Done
Diet not only can be done by way of regulating his diet only, to improve the diet you do you can do sports. If your diet during this time by way of regulating his diet, exercise will improve our diet that you are living.

49. Maintain Links And Relations
Sports together with your friends and family can keep the relationship and the relationship between you guys. When doing sports together will be interwoven with the immediacy and emotional relationship between you guys. No wonder if only by doing sports, relationships and relations can be improved and are also fixed.

50. the avoidance of Cognitive Decline Disease

Cognitive decline disease could be caused by the presence of senility. Causes of senility that lack of intake of oxygen in the brain. The flow of oxygen to the brain which can prevent a person from smoothly disease senility. Alzheimer's disease that often occurs is parkinson's, alzheimer's, dementia and much more.

That's the information about 50 benefits of Sport for the human body certainly useful for adding your insight towards Sports. Hopefully the article about 50 benefits of Sport for the human body help you in dealing with the problem of Sports. Thanks for visit http://sportsfusata.blogspot.com/ 

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Getting Up On Two Skis

Getting Up On Two Skis - After discussing the article on blood doping sports , this time I will also provide useful information, this time Article discusses Getting Up On Two Skis that would have been very much in search of sports users worldwide.

Getting Up on Two Skis
Getting Up on Two Skis


Get in waist-deep water. Wear a ski belt. Put your skis on. Binders snug.
1.    Assume crouch position.
a.  Knees bent.
b. Ski tips peeking out of water, one foot apart.
c.  Arms straight.
d. Tell driver to put boat in slow forward idle.

Get in waist-deep water. Wearing ski belt, with binders snug, take position shown and you're ready
2.    Yell “Hit It”.
a.    Driver should begin steady acceleration to 20 mph
b.     Freeze in starting crouch position
c.    Lean slightly againts pull of boat
d.    Try to stay over binders

3.    Stay in crouch position as skis begin to surface.
a.    You may straighten your knees a bit—but just a bit
b.    Arms still straight
c.    Body over binders

Lean slightly against accelerating spee of boat ; Stay in crouch position as skis begin to surface

       4.    At 20 mph skis ride high and easy.
       a.    Stay in vertical crouch position for a while until you again confidence
       b.    Keep arms straight

At 20 mph the skis ride high and easy. Stay in vertical crouch position until you gain confidince

     5.    After a minute or so straighten knees almost fully.
     a.    Arms straight
     b.    Skis a foot apart
     c.    Straighten your back. Try to relax. Ride directly behind the boat for a while
     d.    If it is your first time, don’t ski longer than five minutes; especially older persons

After a minute or so, straighten knees almost fully. Relax. Ski directly behind boat-don't overdo it

That's the information about getting up on two skis certainly useful for adding your insight towards Sports. Hopefully the article about getting up on two skis help you in dealing with the problem of Sports. Thanks for visit http://sportsfusata.blogspot.com/

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getting up on one ski getting up on one ski

Blood Doping Sports

Blood Doping Sports - After discussing the article on water skiing , this time I will also provide useful information, this time Article discusses blood doping sports that would have been very much in search of sports users worldwide.

Blood doping
Blood Doping sports

Blood Doping Sports

The test was introduced in 2004 which is able to detect the use of homologous transfusion and the use of artificial oxygen carriers. Although the appropriate test has not been developed to detect an autologous blood doping.
After the development of the EPO, a blood doping usage go down much, but due to the development of tests for the detection of EPO and the lack of testing for an autologous doping, it is again on the rise.

EPO and side effects
EPO is a hormone peptides that are produced naturally by the human body. EPO is released from the kidneys and work on the bone marrow to stimulate the production of red blood cells. An increase in red blood cells increases the amount of oxygen that the blood can carry to the body's muscles. It can also increase the capacity of the body to buffer lactic acid.
While proper use of EPO has an enormous therapeutic benefit in the treatment of anemia related to kidney disease, misuse can lead to serious health risks for athletes who use this substance simply to gain a competitive advantage. It is well known that EPO, by thickening the blood, causing an increased risk of deadly diseases some, such as heart disease, stroke, and pulmonary emboli or brain. Recombinant human EPO abuse can also cause autoimmune diseases with serious health consequences.

A test for EPO was introduced at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney (Australia). Tests, validated by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), is based on blood and urine matrix. A blood screening is performed first and then the urine test is used to confirm the possibility of use of EPO.
In June 2003, WADA's Executive Committee who received the results of an independent report stating that urine tests alone can be used to detect the presence of recombinant EPO. This report, requested by WADA stakeholders and is assigned by the Agency to evaluate the validity of urine and blood tests to detect the presence of recombinant EPO, concluded that urine tests are the only validated scientific methods for direct detection of recombinant EPO. The report also recommends that urine tests can be used in conjunction with blood screening for a variety of reasons, including the cost savings of doing screening blood before urine testing. Some International Federations still use both urine and blood matrix for detecting EPO. Recently, the urine tests used to detect some agent stimulates new eritropoiesis adapted for a blood test.

Synthetic oxygen carriers, such as hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOCs) or perflurocarbons (PFC), purified proteins or chemicals having the ability to carry oxygen.
Synthetic oxygen carriers appear useful for the purposes of emergency medicines when human blood is not available, the risk of blood infection is high or when there is not enough time to properly cross-match donated blood with the recipient. However, their misuse for doping purposes carries the risk of cardiovascular disease in addition to various serious side effects (e.g., stroke, myocardial infarction, emboli).

However, synthetic oxygen can already detected a test which was carried out in 2004.

There are two forms of blood doping: an autologous and homologous. Blood doping is an autologous blood transfusion itself, which has been stored (refrigerated or frozen) until needed. Homologous blood doping is the transfusion of blood that had been taken from another person with the same blood type. Although the use of blood transfusions for blood doping dates back several decades, the recent revival may be due to the introduction of efficient EPO detection methods.
Then do a test for homologous blood transfusion (HBT) held at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens. WADA funded research project aimed at developing a test for an autologous transfusion.

In order to further enhance the detection of the abnormal blood profiles, WADA is leading the development of strategies against doping in the sport called athlete's Passport, based on the athlete's biological variables follow from time to time. The goal of this strategy, which will be added to the anti-doping strategies including traditional testing is to detect abnormal variations of biological variables are determined to better target testing and/or sanction those found with abnormal variations.

Like other forms of blood doping, transfusions have serious medical consequences. The blood of others may contain viruses, which accidentally transmitted during transfusions. An athlete using his own blood, was able to put myself on a significant health risk if such a procedure is not done properly or if the blood is not handled or stored in a proper way. In addition, the red blood cell levels are reasonably high increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and pulmonary emboli or brain.

That's the information about blood doping sports certainly useful for adding your insight towards Sports. Hopefully the article about blood doping sports help you in dealing with the problem of Sports. Thanks for visit http://sportsfusata.blogspot.com/ 

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Water Skiing

Water Skiing - After discussing the article on sports martial arts , this time I will also provide useful information, this time Article discusses water skiing that would have been very much in search of sports users worldwide. 

Water Skiing
Water Skiing


About the boat, the skis, the boat team, the rope, handle and binders.

            Until winning the 1962 National Men’s Trick Skiing Championship. I never had a boat that ould even come the first six years of my water skiing experience I owned a small, light 14 footer with a wide transom powered by a 35 horse Jhonson. But-I sure did a lot of water skiing ! Therefore. . .
About The Boat
            Anyone with a boat (12’-14’ minimum) that can deep-water-start a skier (usually 25 hp or more) can actually become a proficient water skier-especially fun skiers and trick skiers. I emphasize tricks because slow to speeds are necesarry in this event (12-20 mph) making navigable bodies of water as small as 200 yards long by 75 yards wide usable for “tricking”.
            Towboats of 75 or more horsepower are necessary to maintain the higher speed and greater pull of salon skiers and jumpers. Ideal towboats have a driver’s seat facing forward, and one or more seats facing aft for observers. Lots of room astern is desirable for skis, ropes, handles, boarding, ladders, etc. A ski to hitch two to five feet ahead of the transom transmits the drag of the skier toward the center turning axis of the boat and minimizes lurching.
            To avoid skiing in great prop turbelence, the beginner should use a standard 75-foot line. After graduating to wake tricks, he should shorten the rope so as to meet the wake at its sharpest, bubble-free point (usually 40 to 60 feet long).
            I illustrate two boats that are perfect fot water skiing connoisseurs: The Al Tyll Skier, by Correct craft, and the Twin Johnson Powered Crosby Hull.

            A speed fluctuation of more than one mile per hour seriously impedes the performing skier-especially trick skiers. In the 1962 Masters at Callaway Gardens, Georgia, the boat driver pulled me at 17 mph rather than my required 18. My skis rode deeper in the water and I klobbered after one-ski wake-stepover front-to-back, placing seventh for the day-that Masters being a no-fall tournament !
            While breaking in a new driver, I check his accuracy at holding speed and rehearse with him and the observer the signals I use fot better skier-to-boat communication. When “pulling out” a skier, accelerates moderately but steadily to the requested speed. Then hold that speed ! Watch where you’re going ! Let the driver observer !

            Skis most commonly used in pairs are about 66” long, 6”-7” wide, and ½” to ¾” thick. Each ski has a foot binder approximately in the middle of the ski, and a small keel under the tail. This keel provides stability and keeps the ski tracking well, much like the groove in a snow ski.
            Most standard skis are manufactured and sold with rather inadequate adjustable binders (so that people of all foot sizes can use them) that are probably okay for the once-in-a-while water skier. Avid skiers and tournament competitors always costumize their binders with thicker toe and heel pieces and wind up screwing them down to the ski in fixed (nonadjustable) position. This way the adjusment can never slip and the skier is always guarnteed the correct fit.
            Water skis come in varying shapes and sizes between the (1) Straight ski (straight parallel sides and square back) and (2) banana shape of varying idths, lengths and tapers.
            Generally speaking, the straight ski can carry more weight at slower speeds with less motor power, but drags more at higher speeds.
            The more streamlined banana shape offers less water resistance and handles better at higher speeds. (This is why most skiers use the tappered banana shape for their slalom ski).
Sellect Your Standard Skis As Follows :
Skier’s Weight : - 40 to 80 lbs, 70 to 200 lbs, 170 to 300 lbs
Ski Length      : - 52”, 66”, 68”
Ski Width        : - 5”-6”, 6 ½”, 6 ½”-8”
            The standard and the best length for skiing is 75 feet of strong, rigid line that float, and has a breaking strength of more than 800 pounds. For all around water skiing, I recommend ¼” diamond braid polyethylene or polypropylene.
            Polyethyelene will stretch the fist few times used, but will soon take a ”set” and become quite rigid. After that you’ll feel little give when you pull on it.
            Polypropylene, however (the official rope used in all AWSA sanctioned tournaments in jumping and slalom), has an elastic quality. A strong slalom skier can stretch a 75’ line two feet during his “cut”. And, if he isn’t prepared, when it recoils it could throw him for a loop forward. It took me a long time to get accostumed to it. Tournament experts feel that as skiers get used to this stretch-recoil situation, i.e.more points in the slalom course; and longer jumps.
            There’s no doubt that jumpers get more footage with polypropylene. Observers feel that polypropylene line was responsible for three young women, Barbara Klack, Dixie Hoyt, and Liz Allen, reaching the 100-foot mark in the Women’s and Girl’s jumping events. Before polypropylene was used, the gals just couldn’t leap that far. There’s no doubt but that is snaps you right off the ramp.
            In tricks however, where quick tugs, wraps and various difficult rope handling is entailed, I prefer a nonrecoil line. In fact I use ” braided polyethylene, Many competitors I know use 3/8”. One of my friends and close training companions, Howie Mitchell, Chortles: “Man, if steel cable would float, I’d use it for tricks ! I like that solid feel”.

            Altought many skiers still use the double handles, it is completely out in competition as far as I have seen, and the single handle is being widely used and adopted. Handle lengths vary from 11” to 18”; diameters from 1 to 1 ¼”. They are usually contructed of wood, aluminum, plastic, or rubber, and combinations thereof.
            There is no handle made that surpasses the superiority, comfort, and durability of the Glad Hand-le, a soft rubber-coacted aluminum core with soft plastic ends, that as rapidly becoming a status symbol of the is rapidly becoming a status symbol of the sport. I think so highly of it that I use it on all my custom AL TYLL trik Toehold Handles.

water skiing
Knuckles-on-top on AL Tyll Trik Toehold handle

            There are two basic ways to hold the handle; the standard “knuckles on top” fashion and the “baseball-bat” fashion. The first method is a comfortable, relaxed position for easy skiing.
            The “baseball-bat” grip should be used during strenuous pulls, the skier often brings the handle in close toward his left or right hip, depending on the direction he is “cutting” (If he is making left turn, his left hip; a right turn, his right hip). The “baseball-bat” grip is a more vise-like grip for these purpose.
water skiing
Baseball bat grip on the standard Glad Handle

            Your water ski binders can make or break your skiing, for these are what connect you with the skis—what transmits your pressures, or gentle nudges. I’ve often said,”I want the ski to be a part of my foot”. If there’s the slightest play, looseness, pinch, or pain, it can hamper your best performances. And on this question I must be frank. Most manufactures put junk on their skis ! There is also a sickening variety of adjustment devices which vary the distance of the heel unit from the toepiece. Most of these are sloppy, heavy, breakable sandtraps designed by some third rate machinist’s helper who didn’t even know how to water ski. I’m sorry, but I’m bitter about this subject. But because of this I’m afraid we’ve lost many many potential water skiers. Have you ever tried skiing on two freeboards ? (Plains skis without binders). You might just as well, for that’s about how well most commercial binders hold your feet.
            You can bet your binders that you won’t see one champion skier using commercial adjustable binders. And, you can also assume that that guy or gal has spent many hours getting his or her binder to fit and hold just right. I know that my wife, Chris, and I constantly work on our binders. (Chris even ski on a new ski without first mounting her custom binders on them). And she’s right. She’d never apreciate the fine characteristics of the ski without good foot-to-ski connection.
            So I shall make a prediction : In years to come water skies will be sold blank, without binders. There will be several sizes and types of binders to choose from. As with snow skis, the sports store operator or shop mechanic will mount the binders for you.
  • Always drive the boat in a straight line while the skier is performing (tricks, slalom, or jumping).
  • When you have to turn, signal the skier with a circular motion of your hand held high, so he prepares for the turn.
  • Then make a neat 50- to 80- yard turn circle.
  • End it aprroximately where you started it. This will bring you back int the center of your previous wake; you’ll miss all of the rough water caused by your own boat on the first pass.
  • After one complete cycle, your path will have formed a “Barbell” outline. It’s easy and safe and always gives the skier smooth water. The straight “Bar” part of the course should be at least 350 yards long for optimum skier performance. Of course, you must be guided and governed by the size of your water practice area.

WWater Skiing
Signal to boat driver

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